the doctor's office was a fun success! We do have to digress by two days though, the dr said that we are 7 weeks and 1 day along, and my official due date at this point is DECEMBER 4, 2008!
Look in the big black circle in the middle, and look right below the white arrow, and that little rice-looking thing is our baby :)
She said the baby and I are both healthy and everything looks good! She did an ultrasound so we got to see the baby and hear it's heart beat--which was AMAZING! The little beats go so fast, it's working so hard to grow into a baby! (I maybe almost wanted to cry when I heard the heart beats, but I didn't want to be a sap so I stopped myself.)
what a great day! So my next appt. is May 16th and they are going to do another ultra-sound then too. So I'll get another picture soon!!!
1 comment:
I love that little rice grain already, if I knew how to knit I'd make it little rice-grain stockings...actually probably wouldn't be much knitting involved now would there???
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