somehow I fell WAY behind on udpating to catch up on lost time I'll make this quick: at 14 weeks our baby was the size of the average fist. We go to the doctor this Friday for our 15 week check-up. and hopefully we'll be able to schedule a sonogram for a couple weeks from now to find out if we have a boy or a girl!
Jill & I went shopping the other day, and since we don't know yet if we're having a boy or a girl, it's hard to buy stuff right now besides WHITE. so, we got white & gray sheep onesies from Old Navy...

And...a gift to our baby from Jill and & her sweet family are some adorable gender-neutral white onesies from the Gap. They're long sleeved which will be great for the winter!

The Disney Store is still going out of business, so we got this great snow globe for super cheap and it's super cute!
and I will update more on the growing of our baby here of these days...
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