can she really be this big? almost 8 months (on saturday) already?!?
anyway, there are times I can lay her in her crib, she'll fuss a round or two, and give up and doze off into blissful sleep (for a few hours...). and there are other times that it requires a bottle and mommy to snuggle as bribery before she'll go to sleep for the night (or for a few hours...).
She's a pretty good sleeper. She just likes to snuggle at about 1:45am. every. single. night.
and there are those times like early this morning when I woke up at 4:45am to her sitting up right next to me - just starting at me. and you can't ration with an 8 month old. so she just kept playing. finally we had to bribe her back to sleep with a bottle. (like you've never bribed your infant. come on. don't judge.)
and who knows even what time I went and got her from her crib to lay in our bed to begin with. I certainly don't. that got lost somewhere in the night. and once we got her back to sleep (c: 5:15am-ish) I didn't want to move her. so last night we had a slumber party for most of the night.
oh well.
baby girl got a new hat...
nope. wrong-O mom. play time = all the time.
and Ava's newest feat: she knows how to clap! consciously too, not just accidentally so I'm bragging like she's a pro. She really IS a pro!I don't know how mom's, working mom's especially, but even non-working mom's with more children than 1 get ANYTHING extra-curricular done. I say more power to you. I am exhausted.
1 comment:
She is so cute, and such a little genius. I love the little hand reaching for Eyor. (sp?)
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