
33 weeks = 7 to go!

yesterday was an exciting day for a couple of friends of ours...
Mike & Stacy Scott had their beautiful baby girl and named her Keira Scott! {see their beautiful bundle of joy below}

6lb 11oz and I think they said 18 inches long. She has the most gorgeous eyelashes ever!

and, while I was walking into the hospital to visit them I saw my friends Jackie & Chuck checking in so she could be induced either last night or this morning, one of the two. so hopefully they will have their bundle of joy, also known as Ben, today!!!

Ava needs to wait a little longer to meet her new friends, but it won't be too long!

She should be about 4 1/2 lbs & 19 or so inches long, obviously give or take. Apparently, with the exception of crying, she can do everything that a newborn can do! {she's so advanced for her age...} :)

Sam & I are starting to get to know her and her routine better, and she is quite the night owl still! Every night around 9:30pm she just starts dancing or sprinting or whatever you may call it, but she just goes nuts!! I will be laying in our chair {my bed for the next few weeks for comfort needs} and Sam can see my belly move all over the place from across the room! Occasionally he will put his hand on her while she's movin and grovin and his jaw just drops at how active she is. It doesn't really keep me awake, it's more of an internal massage feeling so I like it. but she sure is goofy!!

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